Neighborhood Profiles
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Grass Valley, California may have been marked by the California Gold Rush but it was the fertile soil and mediteranian climate that brought the early settlers here. While those settlers were planting ... Details

Enjoy all of the amenities in one of Nevada County’s premier gated communities. Featuring a clubhouse with various dining options and access to many recreational activities, find yourself immersed in ... Details

Nevada City’s entire downtown district is a national historic landmark where every building and street corner transports you back in time. Bordering the Tahoe National Forest and located just minutes ... Details

North San Juan, known by Nevada County locals as “the Ridge,” is a historic mining town just past the South Yuba River Bridge on Highway 49 about 30 minutes from Downtown Nevada City. With a tight ... Details

Take a drive down Highway 20 and observe the scenic, grassy rolling hills as you near Penn Valley. You can find rustic country homes, estates, and many horse ranch properties nestled in the landscape. ... Details